Self-portraits des 3èmes 2

« I am … »


        The pupils in Year 9 worked on self-portraits in various fields : literature, poetry, painting and photography. They studied its evolution from Narcissus until now. They came to the conclusion that its modern version is the selfie. So they were asked to write their self-portrait in a poem and illustrate it with a selfie including a mirror.


Self-portrait - Aurélien1

Self-portrait – Aurélien

Self-portrait - Bastien1

Self-portrait – Bastien

Self-portrait - Benoît1

Self-portrait – Benoît

Self-portrait - Jeanne1

Self-portrait – Jeanne

Self-portrait - Lou1

Self-portrait – Lou

Self-portrait - Max1

Self-portrait – Maximilian

Self-portrait - Paul1

Self-portrait – Paul

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