On Friday 16th October, the Primary school had an English breakfast, because it was the week of taste.
We ate toasts, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, sausages, marmalade, eggs, baked beans. We drank apple juice, orange juice and milk.
The parents cooked for us.
We also sang English songs.

A chef came on Thursday 15th October. His name is François and he works at a restaurant called Rustik.
We tasted different flavours: sweet, salty, spicy and sour food. We were blind-folded.
The CM2 cooked raw vegetables in a salad. The CM1 cooked a clafoutis with prunes and apples. The CP, CE1 and CE2 cooked a clafoutis as well. It was delicious!

Chloé, Sana, Emily, Omar, Sarah and Silja.

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