News Buzz from the 3éme International Class

During the School Press Week,we had a task to create poems of our own-
The purpose and the main aim of this activity was to enforce creative and writing skills, good confidence in speaking, learn new vocabulary as well as working together and sharing information.
Each one of us created a poem of our own liking, thereby practicing our creativy and imagination.
For exemple Nathan wrote a very nice poem about a child who got up to go to school while he was on vacation. He really enjoyed writing his poem, it didn’t take him much time and it was funny !
Followed by Anthony who also wrote an interesting poem about rain. It didn’t take him much time and he enjoyed writing it as much as he could.
Then came Lenna with her poem full of emotional words. Her poem was about feeling like something inside you is missing, broken. She got inspired by songs she listened to.
And then there was a group, which called themselves « The Trio » by Marie, Rosine and Briana. This all girls’ group wrote a captivating poem about friendship. They say they were inspired by their friendship and they wanted to show the beauty of what a platonic friendship looks like.
Naïma wrote a sad poem about faking a smile. Her poem is a real facade of emotions. It talks about being sad, but smiling to hide our real feelings. She was inspired by a movie.
Finally, Emmanuelle wrote a beautiful poem too. Her poem was inspired by the videos she watches about life. It was a real description of how life can be.
We have since donated a compilation of our poems to the school library. We believe children who will read them will learn a thing or two and that’s the spirit of sharing knowledge.

Written by Lenna, Naima and Anthony for the 3éme International class.


3e Poems