During our first week in Art class, we worked on « name monsters » to learn about symmetry and introduce ourselves. Then we put them on the wall and everyone guessed who made which monster! Each one was unique because they wrote their own names before decorating it.
In the following several weeks, we started learning about the Elements of Art. The first week, we did a Colors project where we made watercolor resist rubbings with autumn leaves. The second week, we did a Line project where we created designs by scratching lines into layers of black and color pastel. Next, we did a Shape project where we used cut-out paper shapes to compose animals/robots/pictures and learned that everything is based on simple shapes. Then, we did a Value project where we practiced lightening and darkening tempera paints using only one color and white.
Finally, for the last week before autumn holidays, we made jack-o-lanterns and paper skeletons to decorate our classroom for Halloween!